Top Row (L to R):
Jeremy Kuker, Adam Seale, Justin Griffiths, Jon Frericks, Mike
Ephraim, Chris Wright, Joel Ringdahl.
Middle Row: Joe Adduci, Joe Lask, Kevin Nylen, Anthony
Scheff, Charlie Curtin, Pete Yore. Front Row: Hoi K. Lee, Andy Bessick.
-- Indiana Tournament 2/99 --
-- Home Tournament 3/99 --
Joe sets Justin a quick in warmups.
Iowa vs. Illinois State (#29
has no arms)
Home Tournament - 3/99
Anthony casually puts one down
vs. Illinois State.
Us shaking hands before the
Platteville match.
-- Home Tournament 3/99 --
-- MIVA's @ Ohio State
3/99 --
Iowa vs. UW Platteville (I still
owe you one, Riggs)
Annie, Charlie, Justin, Janelle,
Duke, and Mike's head at the post MIVA's party (anyone remember
the name of the bar?)